While this pandemic has lessened our working together in person and traveling to conventions, it – thankfully – hasn’t lessened our workflow! In fact, we expanded our GTG team to include Darrell Louder as a full-time employee to help us make great games for you! Darrell has been a long-time contractor with Greater Than Games and you probably recognize him from his game design and layout work on Dice Hate Me Studio titles like Bottom of the 9th and Compounded. Now, Darrell is taking on the full-time roles of Design Department Director and in-house pre-press Specialist.
Darrell’s experience in layout, game design, and production are invaluable assets to us. He works directly with Rae Henderson, Senior Graphic Designer, and Sarah Kelly, Graphic Designer, in our design department to help streamline our production process so we work as effectively and efficiently as possible with our factories. We are also excited to have his well-honed design aesthetic and vast array of knowledge in the layout world.
When Darrell isn’t working with me to help manage projects, or leading the charge with new procedures for production layout, or continuing to elevate the layout and look of our games, you can find him working behind the curtain on game development. (You can tell that I plan to keep him very busy!)
We’re all excited to have Darrell as part of the team, and we’re confident that his experiences and skills will make our games greater than ever! Keep a sharp eye out for our upcoming products to see the talent Darrell has brought to the gaming table.