Compounded: The Peer-Reviewed Edition brings chemical fun!

Compounded: The Peer-Reviewed Edition brings chemical fun!

Compounded: The Peer-Reviewed Edition brings chemical fun! details

Compounded: The Peer-Reviewed Edition brings the Fun to chemistry board gaming! Beakers, elements, and lab fires, oh my! Compounded: The Peer-Reviewed Edition is here to not only bring fun to the table, but teach about elements and how they combine to make compounds. Great for classrooms and living rooms alike!

Easy to understand turns

With the workbenches, every turn is laid out and every action a reminder. You’re told how many of each element you can discover, place, and keep, as well as how many compounds you can claim. Each claimed compound completed gets added to your final score, but maybe there are just too many elements for you to get to right now. You’ll have to balance what you can do with what you want!

Extras - like lab tools

There’s always the option to claim a tool instead! Whether it’s the Fire Extinguisher to put out a Lab Fire or the Journal to move elements back onto your workbench, there’s plenty of items to help you out. Just remember, only one scientist may claim a tool per round. If you don’t have it unlocked, you can’t claim it… but you just might prevent someone else from a much needed item.

The scoreboard is the periodic table!

Yes, the familiar periodic table of elements is how to keep score! And scoring isn’t as simple as tallying up how many points your compound is worth. No two players may occupy the same space on the scoreboard. If you’re tied, the most recent scorer moves to the point ahead. Playing your elements right and scoring at just the right time means you might be able to eke out a victory at the last minute!

Lab Fires are always looming

Mixed in with the compounds are Lab Fire cards. Draw one and place a lab fire token onto the board. If it’s not dealt with, it’ll spread. And some might explode! No matter what, a compound that’s completely caught fire goes back into the deck

Whether you’re looking for something for your classroom or your kitchen table, Compounded: The Peer-Reviewed Edition is available now for you to enjoy learning all about elements and getting one over on your fellow scientists. There’s even the Premium Element Tray, too, for those who are looking for a little bit of an upgrade!