One of the most terrible villains of the Multiverse is here! Tremble before Grand Warlord Voss, Earthlings!
Show Notes:
Run Time: 2:13:34
We get right into it by talking about the first appearances of Thorathians in the history of Sentinel Comics.
Then, we jump to the 60s to introduce Grand Warlord Voss himself!
After that, the next divergence is talking about space stuff – the space race, space exploration, and the wonders of space as a genre, so to speak.
Then, finally, we actually get to the origin and backstory ofRainek Kel’Voss! Which takes a while. About as much time as everything leading up to that. Reasonably!
Just after 35 minutes in, we get to the mid-80s, and stuff starts getting intense. Big stories. Big meta-information. Big reveals. Everything’s big.
Whew! What a wild ride! OK, right, moving on. Almost halfway through the episode – a few minutes before the one hour mark – we get into your questions.
There are LOTS of great questions that make us dig into more of the story of Grand Warlord Voss and the Thorathian people. We answer almost all of your questions!
We get into Thorathian naming practices at around an hour and 43 minutes in! Fun stuff, there.
At 2:04:40, we do the quickest future section we’ve ever done!
Don’t forget, today is the last day on our Patreon to get your votes in on the polls about topics for April! Let your voice be heard!
See you Thursday for an Editor’s Note!
Co-founder of Greater Than Games. Designer of the Multiverse and more. Writer of Sentinel Comics. Co-host of The Letters Page podcast. Pronouns: he/him.