Our first episode with a special guest, invited or otherwise!
Show Notes:
Run Time: 109:14
Our long awaited Episode 40 is here, and wow is it a strange one!
We’d like to apologize right now for being so mean to Guise in this episode. He took us by surprise. We don’t deal with being surprised by wise-cracking shapeshifters in our recording space very gracefully, apparently.
We take our time with the Overview segment this time, as we’ve got a bunch of stories to tell that don’t really come out in the card game other than in little hints here and there. Also, we cover quite a few stories in the more in-depth, line-by-line way. No spoilers as to what we’re talking about here, though! Gotta find out by listening! Anyway, as a result, we don’t get to the Questions segment until a few minutes past an hour into the episode. Whew!
Lots of good questions! From lots of great people!
We get called out about not being good at counting pool balls in a question just before 71 minutes in. Yup, we goofed.
Then back to more story-related questions! Of which there are many! Also, lots of “how the heck does Guise do [blank]” questions. Fair, fair.
A minute or two before the 90 minute mark, we get a question about the Celestial Tribunal and their view of Guise and The Scholar. It’s one of my favorite little glimpses of Guise from an outside perspective. Just throwing that out there.
At just past the 103 minute mark, we close the Question section with a short but very good letter, and then jump into the future section, in which Guise takes the wheel for a brief moment and essentially goes off-roading. We get it back on track pretty quick, though. Mixed metaphors, galore!
Thanks so much for listening! We’ve got a hefty Editor’s Note this coming Thursday, and then we’ll be recording the Wager Master episode on Friday, so get your Wager Master questions in now!
Co-founder of Greater Than Games. Designer of the Multiverse and more. Writer of Sentinel Comics. Co-host of The Letters Page podcast. Pronouns: he/him.