Good morning, Sentinels fans!

THANK YOU! You all are amazing. In total, we received 214 entries to our Create a Villain contest – it was very hard to pick a winner!

We had all sorts of entries, from a couple paragraphs to dozens of pages of backstory, art, and complete play-tested decks. There were villains from the future, villains from the past, villains from now, and villains from never. We saw a good number of villains inspired by Greek and Roman mythology, including two very different takes on minotaurs. We were assaulted by omnipotent villainous gods, evil super teams, and swarming mindless constructs. It was a fantastic month here at the Greater Than Games office!

However, through all of that, one winner had to be chosen. So! Everyone, congratulate Alex Franklin, the author of the winning entry! His entry (which we’re not talking about publicly right now – we’ll have more news on it next week) brought the sort of innovative thinking we were looking for, and we’re very excited to talk about it more as part of the Kickstarter we launch next week!

Thanks again to everyone who entered! Keep on saving the Multiverse!